2026 Family Reunion Information
Some Factors to consider in a PLANNING PROCESS for every Family Reunion
Our next Family Reunion will be held in Emanuel County, GA in 2026. Dates and details to be determined later in 2025.

Note: All of the attachments below on the website can be viewed and printed easier if one uses the "Microsoft Edge" browser (which can be downloaded FREE via Google if you do not have it).
One can view and print the documents with the Google Chrome browser, for example. However, it has more steps involved and you have to change your security settings so the Browser does NOT see the document as a virus threat.
Please click this Link to read about the "Suggested Changes to the CGS Bylaws."
Suggested Changes to Bylaws-Jan. 2024
Please click this Link to read about the "CGS 2023 Year End Financial Report. "
2023 Financial Report

A Sign of the time period

A typical day, of picking cotton, for our ancestors
in Emanuel Co. GA
Please read the finalized Family By-Laws which were approved by our Family Officers circa the summer of 2023. There will be an opportunity to comment on the FINALIZED document at the 2024 Business Meeting. Click this Link to review the Finalized Family By-Laws
The email addresses for the Family Officers are available on the "Contact Family" link.
Reminder: Dues are $50.00 per year for each family member over 18 years of age.
For those grown children (19 yrs. or more), living at home, they are considered as "adults." Each adult Family member is responsible for paying their own dues and cannot be counted with their parents' annual dues. If a Family member is between 18-24, and still going to school, he/she CAN be included with his/her parents annual dues.
Annual Dues and ALL other payments or fees (except the Hotel payment) shall be sent to and made payable to our new Treasurer, Dawn C.Neblett-Cross. At this time, you are ablle to pay either your 2025 or 2026 dues....or BOTH.
If you decide to send a check or Money Order, please send it to:
3708 Lake Terrace Drive
Elk Grove, CA 95758
You may also send your payment(s) to our Treasurer, electronically, via the Zelle app. You can do so by entering "DCNCross@tcc-svcs.com"
Dawn's email address is the same, "DCNCross@tcc-svcs.com".
Since the Bank charges our family treasury for returned checks, there is a $25.00 fee for any checks returned to our Treasurer.
Finally, if you want to see pictures from the following Reunions: 2016 NY City Reunion & 2018 Sacramento, CA Reunion, click on the "Photos" link.
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