Family Tree


Banquet tickets & Annual Dues


First, please read how works by clicking the link "PayPal Info" under the "News and Info" link. By doing so, it will help you to better understand the info on this page.

If you would like to order a banquet ticket(s) or pay your annual dues, you can do so below on this page. Please complete the order form below, for banquet tickets, or mail your payment, with the same information, to Sean Battle, Treasurer...address shown below.

After you have completed the form below and submitted it, return to this web page and pay for the item(s) by clicking the "Add to Cart" link and making a payment(s) to the Family through PayPal.

The prices for the banquet tickets are as follows:

Adults = unknown at this time... (includes buffet, taxes and gratuity)
Children = unknown at this time... (includes buffet, taxes and gratuity) -ages 4 to 11
Children = unknown at this time... - ages 3 & under

We will be having a buffet dinner which will have selections of fish and chicken in addition to a variety of vegetables, salad, dessert, coffee and tea.

Banquet Date & Time: unknown at this time...
Banquet Location: unknown at this time...
Those who wish to mail payments for banquet tickets AND annual dues can do so by mailing to:

Sean Battle (Treasurer)

The DEADLINE for submitting your request for banquet tickets is ????????. Your money must accompany your order or it will not be processed. The Form below will be received within moments if you pay it through PayPal. If you mail your payment, we encourage you to allow enough time for the delivery of your payment. No exceptions to this deadline as monies must be sent to the Hotel in a timely manner so they will know the proper number of meals to prepare for our Family. In addition, our Treasurer needs time to organize all of his information and figures before submitting it to the Hotel.

image Note: We have the above deadline in order not to worry our Treasurer with last minute organizing and mailing tasks. Last minute banquet tickets will be accepted up between _____ to _________. However, there will be a LATE FEE of $5.00 for each ticket ordered during this "Late Period." There will be no exceptions for this late fee. Please plan ahead now and make your payments on time.

PAYMENT: Money orders or checks shall be made payable to Sean Battle. No cash please. Payments can also be made through AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. If needed, refer to the "PayPal Info" link, under the "News & Info" link for instructions and added information.

DISTRIBUTION OF BANQUET TICKETS: All banquet tickets will be distributed by Sean Battle. Your banquet tickets will be mailed to you. Please bring your banquet tickets to the banquet as they will be collected outside of the banquet room BEFORE the banquet starts.

All of the required fields in the Form below must be completed:

" code before/after it. --->
Full Name:
Telephone number (area code 1st):
Email address:
Address - Line 1:
Address - Line 2 (Optional):
Zip Code
No. of Adult Tickets:
No. of Children's Tickets:
No. of Children three (3) and under:
Total Cost for all Tickets
Payment Method: (see options above)

If needed, please enter your additional comments here.


In the "Quantity" box, be sure to ENTER THE NUMBER THAT YOU WANT; then click the "Update cart" button to re-calculate the total dollar amount.

The 1st "ADD TO CART" button below is for ANNUAL DUES:

The 2ND "ADD TO CART" button below is for Adult BANQUET TICKETS - $????? each:


This 3rd "ADD TO CART" button below is for CHILDREN Banquet Tickets- ages 4 to 11 yrs. - $????? each:


You can click the "VIEW THE CART" button to see all of your purchases: